Cleveland and North Yorkshire Sporting Clay League

Sign up for a new profile and get social with other members of Shooting League.
Check out the NEW online diary, where you can register to get an email reminder!
Suggestions and feedback please post in the forums.

You will need to register and log in to access the Scripts and Results

If you have forgot your Log in/Password - Give me a ring or text me on 07958 686 733 

Update Week 3 - Thursday 17th May 2018 11.40pm

Medical Update - I had open surgery on a cancerous tumour
on my right kidney on Tuesday 27th February.
I had 26 staples in the wound and I have recovered better than expected.
Unfortunately, I am now going back into James Cook on Tuesday 29th May for
surgery on a cancerous tumour on my left kidney. League Scores may not be updated for a couple of weeks until I am released from James Cook Hospital.   
Thank you for all your kind thoughts and support during this time.
I am keeping positive and enjoy your shooting season. Colin

Results this week

Wednesday 16th May 2018
Oak Lodge 187 v 154 Duke of Wellington
Fox Hall 159 v 173 Marne
Urlay Nook 157 v 171 Great Smeaton
Spennymoor  189 v  167 Lordstones


Next Fixtures

Wednesday 23rd May 2018
Fox Hall v Urlay Nook
 Duke of Wellington v  Lordstones
Great Smeaton v Oak Lodge
Marne v Spennymoor

Latest League Table

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